
i am semi-selective in my following, but i think my standards are pretty lax— be able to write more than one sentence, show common etiquette, and don’t suck as a person.due to some dark subject matter that might be present in my writing, this is an 18+ blog. i am over thirty years old and am over a decade your senior even if you're as old as 21. everyone who is an adult will be treated like one, but it's worth knowing that i could be in an entirely different age bracket than some of you and it'll show at times.


i expect and extend all standard etiquette in regards to godmodding, metagaming, etc. i don't care about reblog karma; reblog whatever memes or quotes you want, just don't touch in-character content in which you're not involved. same rules go for personal blogs: i don't mind their presence so long as they don't encroach on any mutuals who'd prefer they dni.

i’m open to the possibility of a ship developing, but it’s not really up there on my list of priorities. keep in mind that coquelic has a capacity for affection, but doesn’t really have a personality that lends itself to kissing and cuddling so…romance with her is probably more about ~vibes~ than anything.

*art usage.

i don’t use unauthorized fanart in my blog assets. all imagery of coquelic’s likeness is official (in-game/promotional art or art by official ptn artists), commercial, or by artists who have authorized the usage of their work.if you see non-official works being used, presume that the artist either made money from the piece (doujinshi, fanmerch, personal commissions from myself) or has expressly stated that use is permitted, either in writing or via their chosen licensing. editing art while not seeking this out is theft btw.


look, i’m here to have fun and write a character i like with people i like. let me be clear in saying that i am not a ‘taboo writer’ and am not interested in writing with people who are, but i find most pervasive fandom discourse to be reductive and will not follow people who seem to be entrenched in it.don’t warn me about things if no active harm is being done; i mind my own business unless circumstances are extenuating — trust me when i say you’ll be happier if you mind your own.


hi, i’m vivi and this is dumbass. i’m a 30+yo thai woman (she/her) who drinks a lot of tea and i’m constantly sleepy. i work full time in IT and my days staring systems like s*lesforce, filemaker, confluence and jira in the face, so i can be off-and-on in social consistency, but mutuals can ask for my discord !i don't have a specific dni, but will say for transparency that i will not interact with anyone who leans into racist, lgbt-phobic, zionist, etc. tendencies. if someone i think sucks enters the scope of my little corner on tumblr then i will block them. easy.



NAME: coquelicAGE: unknown
AKA: 'mentor'DOB: september 23
EYES: redBIRTHPLACE: eastside, discity
GENDER: female (she/her)MORALITY: chaotic neutral
HAIR: silver-whiteMBTI: ENTJ
TENDENCY: catalystTEMPERAMENT: choleric
LIBRAM: limboENNEAGRAM: type 8

coquelic is the hedonistic leader of an assassin sect called ‘the garden’. to those both in and out of the organization, she is most commonly known as and referred to as 'the mentor'.she is a sinner, an individual heavily contaminated with mania yet has not gone berserk from the resulting deterioration. this mania contamination grants her tremendous power and freezes her body in time, but the nature of that power saps away at her vitality. as a result, her constitution is surprisingly poor ⸻ however, she conceals her weakness flawlessly, and is able to display remarkable vigor and efficacy and leaving all none the wiser; she is the strongest sinner in the garden.

as the garden's mentor, she is in the business of taking those slighted in life under her wing and teaching to exact their vengeance. she herself is responsible for the deaths of multiple high-brow civilians and authorities.she seems to have an insisting need to be pampered, requesting assistance with simple tasks such as running her bathwater and fetching her jacket. there's a likelihood that doing these things is surprisingly taxing for her, though it’s hard to ascertain if that is truly the case or if she simply enjoys the treatment - the truth seemingly shifts with her whims.her personality can be described as somewhat flippant, coy, bitter and jaded. she shows little interest in matters beyond her immediate concerns, maintaining a laissez-faire attitude even towards the personal matters of those close to her. although she flourishes her speech with a faux-whimsy tone, coquelic has a blunt disposition and is quick to rebuke idealists and dreamers.coquelic is a respected but harsh teacher, capricious yet somehow consistent. punishment to the degree of solitary confinement ‘until she cools down’ is not unheard of from her. however, it's widely understood amongst the garden that coquelic will forgive most transgressions. despite her heavy handed sense of discipline, other garden members describe her as having ‘infinite patience’ in all matters except betrayal. she views the garden as her own flowers, and fancies herself their caretaker. her harsh demeanor conceals an earnest intention to nurture them into blooms that can withstand and cut through hardship.coquelic is contrived of multitudes and contradictions, and often makes conflicting statements. ⸻ 'your lives are your own. don’t listen to anyone but me.’ ⸻ similarly, she holds the simultaneous and discrepant sentiments that she loves only herself, lives and dies only for herself; and yet it is her garden that is her pride and joy.much of her personal history, including her age, is unknown. all that can be surmised is that she was an adult when she took the then-child sumire under her care. it is known that her parents were members of the FAC, and coquelic's activity as an assassin did not begin until they were killed in the line of duty when she was young. there is a significant likelihood that 'coquelic' is not her birth-name.


FLORAL SWORD SLASH / 绯花剑落: lit. 'scarlet flower, falling sword'

despite the name, coquelic's abilities as a sinner encompass a scope far beyond her weapon. the core nature of her power is the extraction and crystallization of vitality into a physical concept - primarily in the form of flora. her modus operandi is the complete 'blooming' of her target, in which their life is extracted in its totality and their physical body completely sublimated by the resulting flowers. coquelic can control the degree of this 'conversion’. in most cases, the target’s body is completely destroyed and turned into flowers. in others, however, the body may be left in tact or 'partially’ bloomed, yet just as dead. in cases such as the latter, the corpse appears as though perfectly preserved by virtue of their flowers still living.coquelic can also employ this power to materialize weaponry. most notably, it is where she gets her sword, which resembles a large, ornate black thorn with a blooming poppy as decor. she can and has turned this power onto herself, which seems to yield even greater results. she has also used this ability to create similarly-structured javelins and daggers.coquelic gained the aforementioned abilities through means of a particular pact she'd made with her own mania. however, her status as a sinner predates that contract and so she'd been in possession of certain abilities prior to it. these 'original' powers seem are rooted in the same principle: the materialization of energy into flowers. it appears though that this power's primary application had been restorative, and is likely the reason coquelic is classified as a catalyst sinner despite her (often realized) potential for destruction.


THORNED BLADE: coquelic attacks with her sword, dealing damage equal to (63% - 113%) of her attack stat with each slash.POPPY: coquelic materializes a scarlet flower for all allied units in a target grid. all alies carrying this flower are healed for (10% - 15%) of coquelic's attack stat whenever she deals damage. if this skill is used on a target already carrying a flower, they receive a burst heal for (209% - 300%) of coquelic's attack.FLORAL SWORD SLASH: every 15* seconds, coquelic lands multiple damage ticks in one attack. starting with 5 slashes, an extra slash is gained per allied unit carrying the flower created by poppy, stacking up to 10 additional hits. in this state, each slash deals (45% - 90%) of coquelic's attack stat.TIMELESS MEMORY: coquelic gains an attack boost of (6% - 12%), and gains 1 point of energy per hit from floral sword slash.


coquelic's innate ability to 'get at' and drain the life force of a target allows her to bypass lengthy conventional combat, and so it's often 'game over' once she gets close. but she does not rely solely on her sinner abilities, and is an appropriately skilled combatant. indubitably earning her status as the leader of an assassin sect, she's quite nimble, with quick reflexes and a good intuition for the flow of a conflict. she is good with makeshift weaponry, as shown when she so finely condensed a rolled-up slip of paper to the point that she could stab christina with it like it were a dagger.unrelated to combat, coquelic is (of course) a green thumb. she seems to have a wide skillset related to botany, including typical gardening and ikebana. upon detainment, she's often found in the mbcc's greenhouse.


regrettably this is so incredibly under construction but if i held off publishing this carrd until i finished writing these at length, it may never see the light of day the meantime this will be a broad list of verses with pending details - aka AUs i fully intend to create but the details will remain nebulous. write-ups will come as/if relevant threads come up ! this is of course always subject to updating.

*pre-flora unfurl.

this is a nondescript canon verse that encompasses interactions before the events of rain burst and flora unfurl. during this time, the garden is still an active assassin sect and coquelic is still its leader and mentor. this is the only verse in which she can plausibly be taking hit contracts and such.


a nondescript canon verse that encompasses interactions after coquelic's detainment at the MBCC. while coquelic might refer to the garden by name, it is not active as an organization. while they're by no means exclusive to this verse, this is the one where interactions with other sinners (besides garden members) are most likely.


avenger-class coco, because obviously.due to her independent "do it right do it yourself" personality, i have no plans at this time to write an AU in which coquelic is a master. maybe a non-master mage or a living person in a singularity or something, but she won't be summoning servants anytime soon.

*my hero academia.

in which the garden is an criminal underground assassin sect that operates independently of other entities such as the paranormal liberation front or the league of villains. the exact location of its headquarters is unknown and its leader, coquelic only cares to look out for her own. she believes solely in avenging oneself and regards the more societal-level ideologies of the paranormal liberation front to be silly and lofty.given that it is a group of assassins, most would (correctly) consider the garden to be 'villainous', but in practice it tends to exist neutrally, reclusively, and is almost exclusively reactive unless a member has been contracted for a hit.coquelic in particular is responsible for the deaths of a few HPSC officials. named after her event in ptn, she refers to her quirk as flora unfurl, and is a translation of her sinner ability to extract a target's (or her own) vitality and crystalize it in material form, being flowers or her weaponry.

*jujutsu kaisen.

pal, i have no idea yet.


all art used in my blog assets at the time of writing are official (in-game, cgs, or otherwise by ptn artists), or are commercial (doujinshi, paid merch) in some capacity. if any unofficial works is featured, they fall under the latter category OR the artist has given explicit permission for its use (this excludes the absence of a 'don't use' clause - i will always look or ask for permission in writing or a provided license.)THEME
- coding/graphics/composition are all my own.
- textures purchased from digitalcurio @ etsy or come from stock photography by lilithdemoness @ DA.
- art by 落日点心. cc by licensing permits non-commercial use with credit.
- the featured poetry is an excerpt from "all of us" by erika sanchez
- the featured poetry is from 'the rival' by sylvia plath.
- by myself with some brainstorming help from miru <3
- rules image by 空条卜子. the artist permits non-commercial use with credit.
- the featured poetry is a slightly reworded excerpt from 'friends' by laure-anne bosselaar


all fanworks are from lofter, since it's easy to verify use permissions there. all works i use are licensed either as CC BY or CC BY-SA by the artist OR they just expressly state what they'll allow.that being said... lofter for a while had locked viewers out from browsing without an account while allowing access to individual posts via direct links. as of mid-july 2024 this doesn't seem to be the case any longer, and all access is forbidden to non-account holders. and getting an account without a chinese phone number is tenuous at best - possible, but your mileage may vary. mobile works for now, but license info is only displayed on desktop (?!?!). unless/until they crack down further, i have a lofter account and can provide proof of the artist's licensing if requested.i will link to the original sources for regardless, but be aware that without an account, you'll likely be get kicked to the login screen if you try to actually view them.